Chapter 4

Hi there, I see you are back for some more. This will be the fourth update for SimNaMo 2022 and I have officially hit my goal. Woooohoooo!

I honestly didn’t think I would find this much time to play and pump out chapters. I am starting to feel good mentally and a lot of that is thanks to playing sims. It always helps bring me out of whatever funk I’m in.

Enough about me, let’s check in on the Stovall family. WARNING: This chapter is a little long as we get close to the heir vote.

Happy birthday Harvey!

Harvey received the Artistic Prodigy aspiration, and his traits are Cat Lover and Top-Notch Toddler.

Happy birthday Henrik!

Henrik received the Whiz Kid aspiration, and his traits are Cot Lover and Top-Notch Toddler.

While the other siblings are at school, Harvey is helping Henrik with his aspiration. Playing a few rounds of chess.

Grim Reaper came for Bruce, Wyatt and Mojo. It’s a sad sad day at the Stovall household. Especially since Mojo is gone, he’s been with the household since the very beginning.

Newton is trying his hand at cooking. No fires were started but it wasn’t the greatest quality. We will take wins where we can get them when it’s related to the stove and teenagers.

Family dinner minus Nahla and Luxe.

Purchased Harvey the art table so he can start on the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. This is Henrik and his room, it has a bathroom attached to it that they share with Newton and Nolan.

The girls room is on the other side of the top floor with their own bathroom.

Nahla reading to Henrik for a couple hours. They are reading The Owl Diaries while Newton and Harvey discuss who the superior superhero is in the background.

If you haven’t noticed it’s fall in Henford-on-Bagley. Now the Dragonfruit are taking over the garden and the household funds grow immensely daily.

Say hi to Hopper.

While the kids sleep, Nahla spends some time working on increasing her Logic skill for work.

She is now one promotion from reaching the top of the Painters career (Master of Real). So close from earning those points. Yes I’m greedy for points.

The older boys are a huge help in taking care of the smaller children. I’m constantly switching who my favourite is.

Astrid was able to complete the Social Butterfly aspiration (a lot of work on my part) the day of her birthday. Cutting it super close.

Luxe asked Newton to read her a book while Nahla makes a birthday cake. These sibling moments are just the sweetest.

Happy birthday Astrid!

Astrid received the Self-Care Specialist aspiration, and her traits are Geek, Romantic, Top-Notch Toddler, Socially Gifted and Spa Membership.

Way to steal the spotlight Nahla. She’s in labour with the finally pregnancy of generation one. Round of applause for Nahla.

Welcome Avril to the Stovall household. As the youngest you will probably be raised by your siblings and neglected, unless chosen to be heir, until you move out.

Astrid’s turn to be the favourite. Luxe has already maxed the Thinking and Movement skills.

Nahla has now completed the Freelance Botanist aspiration thanks to Jeremiah, the Cowplant. I then gave her the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration, which she completed in seconds, and now has the Mansion Baron aspiration (only on tier two).

More sibling bonding.

Harvey has now completed the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. It’s nice, in the beginning they earn A TON of points but as more children do the aspirations the amount of points goes down. I’m just trying to make note of everything and remember it all.

Avril aged up with the Silly trait.

Morning playtime and enjoying the sunrise.

Am I witness some sibling rivalry? Debating who will the public chose for heir? I’m glad it’s not be because I haven’t a clue.

Astrid isn’t pleased because Cassiel Lewis is her friend but instead she’s flirting with her older brother. Ew.

Cooking a feast for the birthday celebrations.

BECAUSE it is time to celebrate Nahla aging into an adult.

Quick wardrobe change and she’s looking like she’s ready to slay being adult.

Newton invited Cassiel over. He was really smitten with her and wanted to get to know her more.

First kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Homework time while Nahla fixes all the broken sinks in the house. Like why are all the sinks broken!?

Henrik completes the Whiz Kid aspiration. Just like all his older siblings. I’m on a roll.

Happy birthday Luxe!

She aged up with the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration, and her traits are Mean and Top-Notch Toddler.

The family purchased more chickens but I haven’t named them. Oops.

Nahla giving Astrid the talk.

Luxe is well on her way to completing the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration. She did the first tier all on her own.

The only photo from Harvestfest. All the Gnomes were angry, things were broken and dinner wasn’t the greatest quality.

That sums it up.

Avril is doing surprisingly really well with her skills. She just may reach Top-Notch toddler before childhood.

No points to be earned but since Newton may possibly be heir (you’ll vote soon BTW), I wanted to do what I could.

So Newton went to the park so he could introduce himself to 8 more Sims and make 2 friends.

There he met Kendall Flex. Maybe he could introduce her to his twin brother Nelson?

Back at home Astrid was meditating in her newly decorated room. Since she’s a singleton, she gets her own room but shares a washroom with Luxe and Avril (once she’s a child).

Homework circle.

This is why I hate pools. Should of put a fence around it.

Cake time! You know what that means?

Newton goes into young adulthood with the Party Animal aspiration, and his traits are Slob, Perfectionist, Outgoing, Top-Notch Toddler, Mentally Gifted, Responsible and Gregarious.

Nelson goes into young adulthood with the Public Enemy aspiration, and his traits are Perfectionist, Recycle Disciple, Erratic, Physically Gifted, Good Manners, Top-Notch Toddler, Responsible and Dastardly.

THAT IS A WRAP! Sort of. It’s now time for you to vote on the next generation. I’ll leave it open for a few days and then compile the votes from all the different platforms for generation two heir.

BUT that will be available soon.

Chapter 3

Well hello there. We are back with our third update for SimNaNo 2022. These chapters have just been flowing and I’ve been enjoying every minute of it. Plus the family is pretty cool too. At this rate I may need to increase my goals for SimNaNo.

More birthdays and babies. That’s what happened last chapter in case you were wondering. Let’s just start shall we.

We are still working on the Social Butterfly aspiration with little luck. I dislike this aspiration a lot and probably not putting as much work as I should be into it.

Nahla was having some bad luck of her own. Which was all on her and not me this time soooo, think what you will.

She wanted another baby and invited Simon Scott over but he was not interested in her advances. The conversation got awkward and he went home.

So then Nahla invited over Makoa Kealoha, who also denied her advances, even though they share a daughter, and this wasn’t anything new.

Honestly, this was a lot more work then I expected it to be since Makoa was not interested in making a baby. EVEN THOUGH HE ALREADY HAD WOOHOO WITH HER. So annoying.

Nahla invited the one person who she knew would be down to have a baby. Even if he pretended like he didn’t.

Any guess on who that may be? I’ll give you a one word hint. TWINS.

Thomas still isn’t happy with the news. Oh well. He BETTER not give her twins, or worse triplets, because I will legit cry real tears.

Working on Potty training Harvey. Henrik has already reached level one of the Potty skill so he is now left to fend for himself.

It’s getting harder and harder to manage this household and making sure skills and aspirations are being complete. I imagine I may burn out and points will become non existent soon enough.

Usual before school chores for the Newton and Nelson. It’s handy having older children around to help but somehow Astrid always gets out of doing chores. I wonder why that is.

Time is flying and Nahla is baking another cake to celebrate her oldest boys.

Happy birthday Newton!

Newton received the Party Animal aspiration, and his traits are Slob, Outgoing, Top-Notch Toddler, Mentally Gifted and Gregarious.

Happy birthday Nelson!

Nelson received the Public Enemy aspiration, and his traits are Recycle Disciple, Perfectionist, Top-Notch Toddler, Physically Gifted and Dastardly.

Nothing to see here. Just a conversation between siblings and Mojo the llama. I wonder what they are all discussing. Economics? Climate control? Maybe world domination?

Harvey working hard, maybe a little terrified, on his Movement skill.

Twins are A students. No doubt because they mostly do their homework autonomously.

Showing the chickens some love. They feel neglected.

It’s baby time. Second last pregnancy coming to an end and so much closer to the end. I’ll be happy when Nahla no longer needs to be pregnant and can focus solely on her career and kids.

THANK YOU SOOOO SOOO MUCH! Welcome sweet baby girl, Luxe Stovall, to the family.

Which also means that Nahla only needs to have one more pregnancy before her job is done. Since no one will reproduce with her, looks like Thomas will father the last child. Which will bring his total to 9 children. Man is busy.

Homework circle.

Notifications of Mojo and the chickens reaching the end of their life expectancy are starting. It makes me sad as the children love them dearly.

Like Harvey and Bruce.

Still trying and failing miserably at completing the Social Butterfly aspiration.

Nelson helping out with the twins. Keeping Henrik busy so he’s not making messes all over the yard and house.

Luxe aged up with the Silly trait. I adore her read hair. Maybe because it’s been a lonnnng time since I played with it.

Working on getting her Thinking skill up. Enough that she can play with blocks.

Once upon a time I used to have the toddlers chained to tablets to increase their skills. Then after reading a few of my favourite Simlit authors stories I learnt some tricks along the way. I love this community.

Time to wrap up this generation of babies.

Nahla of course called the easiest person she knew to get what she wanted. Thomas Watson was finally excited about the news.

Working hard to earn that promotion.

Nelson and Luxe have the closest bond of all the siblings. He can always be found playing with her or hugging her, and her whims consist of watching Nelson and talking about princesses.

Like seriously, the cutest thing ever. I don’t think I’ve ever had that in any of my saves.

Grim Reaper has arrived. That cannot be a good thing but expected with all the notifications I’ve been receiving about all the farm animals.


Chapter 2

Welcome back to more Stovall adventures. Last chapter was just the beginning and we are still going strong. I’m enjoying playing this family and I’m starting to notice a small change in my mental state.

Last chapter you met the founder, Nahla Stovall, and her two children and llama. She then had a daughter and purchased 4 chickens. Like she didn’t already have enough going on. The twins aged into children and the garden was expanded. Lots happened and even more is about to happen.

Nahla is finally getting around to parenting these kids. First up was Newton for making another mess. I swear it’s all they do.

Next was getting Astrid. She needed to reach level 1 of the potty skill so she could do the rest herself and leave Nahla to focus on more important things.

Chester gifted Nahla a rainbow egg, which helped complete the Country Caretaker aspiration. First time doing that BTW.

Sticking with the theme of this generation, Nahla now has the Freelance Botanist aspiration. I see her as an outdoorsy women. Plus I just expanded the garden and that seems like a wonderful aspiration to do next.

We are finally focusing on the children’s aspirations since there are points to be earned. Nahla is playing some chess with Newton.

Thomas Watson stops by unexpectedly. He does that a lot. Not that the boys mind. This way they can get to know their dad some.

I think it’s time for another pregnancy. Nahla isn’t getting any younger and she has yet to go out and look for spouse or another partner.

Plus Thomas is already here. Win win.

Thomas was not happy about the news but what did he honestly expect would happen when you have unprotected woohoo. He already has 3 children with his wife, twins with Nahla and another one on the way.

I wonder what his wife would say? No doubt it wouldn’t be kind. I’m sure Nahla would take him in.

Nahla is already on the third tier of the Freelance Botanist aspiration. Fast I know. Helpful to have a mass producing garden and a high level Gardening skill.

Newton forgot to do his homework. Oh boy. Again, we only want As in this household because points.

So he quickly did it before going to school.

Nelson is currently on the third tier of the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration. Probably my favourite and easiest one to do.

PROMOTION TIME. I’ve been slacking when it comes to Nahla’s promotions. She is now an Artist En Residence (7) and chose the Master of the Real career branch.

Nahla is taking time from her very busy schedule to read to Newton. He’s still on the first tier of the Whiz Kid aspiration. Oops.

Unlike Nelson who crosses the monkey bars one last time before completing the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration. Yay!

It’s that time again. This time Nahla has a day off and isn’t in a hurry to make the cake.

Happy birthday Astrid!

Astrid received the Social Butterfly aspiration, and the Geek and Top-Notch Toddler traits.

After a quick moment of relaxation, Astrid started on her homework but she doesn’t look relaxed anymore.

Nahla is using some of Mojo’s wool to cross stitch. Going to make a cute decoration for the nursery that I just finished decorating.

Some sibling bonding before I round them up for bed because their sleep schedule is off.

The following night all three kids were working on their school projects outside.

I swear is the filling night LOL Somedays are just so boring because Nahla works and gardens a lot. Plus the kids do chores and homework. I’m a slave driver okay.

Nahla was working on a painting but then was rudely interrupted by going into labour.

Welcome twin boys, Harvey and Henrik, to the Stovall family. Just a FYI I WILL NEVER EVER use Thomas Watson again. This is the second time he has given her twins.

NO MORE! This also makes his child count seven. That’s a lot of children but I can’t say much because if the next two pregnancies are singles, Nahla will also have 7 children.

Bath time while the kids are at school and the twins are finally asleep. They are torturous.

At least the children came home and did their homework.

It was at this moment, when we ran out of electricity, that I got rid of the challenge lot trait Off the Grid.

It was fun while it latest but with 5 kids and the house growing, I just couldn’t keep up with it anymore. Especially if it continued doing this. First time playing with that lot trait for so long. Pat on the back for me.

The Social Butterfly aspiration is the worst. Astrid has had no luck making it past the second tier. I have come to terms with the fact that it will not be completed.

Newton crafted his last emotion potion and officially completed the Whiz Kid aspiration.

Okay, maybe not fully committed to stop trying to complete it but I want the point that it earns.

Harvey aged up and received the Angelic trait.

His twin Henrik received the Independent trait.

Chapter 1

Hello and welcome to yet another challenge of mine. My mental health is in a very precarious place and one thing that helps is playing the sims. So here I am.

I enjoy my other saves but needed something fresh and so Nahla Stovall was created. I took way longer then normal picking a challenge but settled on the Name Game challenge, found HERE, because I love it and I will finish it. Fingers crossed.

Now I did start this before I found out it is SimNaNo. So I’ll catch you up before we hop right into it.

The founder is Nahla Stovall, her aspiration is Country Caretaker and traits are Family-Oriented, Animal Enthusiast and Green Fiend. Bonus trait Collector. She lives in Henford-on-Bagley on 2 Olde Mill Lane with the Off the Grid and Wild Foxes lot challenges. She works as a Art Book Collator (2) in the Painter career. Has a pet llama and twin boys.

Meet Mojo. He’s our beige llama and we love him. Mojo has been apart of the Stovall family since Nahla moved to Henford-on-Bagley.

So far Nahla has had one pregnancy that resulted in twins, Newton and Nelson, and their father is Thomas Watson.

Currently no one has mastered any skills and they mostly make messes and run around. Newton has the Inquisitive trait and Nelson the Charmer trait.

Nahla is also currently pregnant again. This time it’s with Makoa Kealoha from Sulani and I’m praying to the almighty sim that it’s not multiples.

Please no multiples. It’s really cramping my style. Not really but I did want Nahla to have a spouse at some point. If she has time that is.

Drops bread of foot and continues making bread. 5 second rule still applies right?

Always tending to the garden. When Nahla arrived in Henford-on-Bagley, she took a trip to Finchwick and purchased some expensive produce to plant. That’s why she has so much stuff, all thanks to the garden.

Starting on the Potty skill before the new baby arrives. One is hard enough but there are two of them to train.

A quick trip the Bramblewoods to forage two more harvestables to complete the third tier of the Country Caretake aspiration.

Only problem is that Nahla went into labour.

These would be some steller photos if she wasn’t uncomfortable from being in labour.

After delivering the baby at the hospital, she returned and was finally able to harvest the raspberries and chocoberries, completing the third tier.

Now that that’s done, let’s meet the newest addition to the Stovall household. Welcome baby Astrid.

The Finchwick Fair was in full swing. Nahla was a bit late but arrived with enough time to submit a Quill fruit for the Garden Fair. She took home first place which also completed a requirement for her aspiration.

Back at home Nelson finally maxed the Potty skill.

Before long there were three toddlers running around. Yikes. Tomorrow was the twins birthday though, so only total chaos for 24 more hours.

Astrid received the Fussy trait. Which I’m so ecstatic for.

When one windmill breaks, they all break. Yay.

Newton has maxed all of his skills, unlike Nelson who still needs to max the Communication skill before their birthday.

Nahla is making the twins their chocolate cake first thing in the morning before she has to go to work.

Happy birthday Newton!

Newton received the Whiz Kid aspiration, and the Slob and Top-Notch Toddler traits.

Happy birthday Nelson!

Nelson received the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration, and the Perfectionist and Top-Notch Toddler traits.

Little Astrid was well on her way to following in her big brothers footsteps. Hopefully. Things are getting busy and I’ve started neglecting Mojo and the garden.

Mojo has threatened to leave once already and that’s not good. She needs to stay forever.

Nahla is expanding her garden and looking for more treats for Mojo. A quick trip to Finchwick to pick up supplies.

Since the old garden spot was to small and I couldn’t expand where it’s located, we purchased a couple chicken coops to fit in that area.

Say hello to Wyatt and Tillie.

Hi Bruce.

And Mabel.

Trying to master everything Cottage Living has to offer before the next generation. I think each generation will live in a new town to explore and play in-depth? Who knows.

A little evening play time before bed.

The boys returned home from school and started on their homework. Only As will do in this household.

Plus I’m playing for points but I need to reread the rules because I forget what’s what.

These animal treats Nahla bought are pretty cool. Mojo is currently blue.

Okay, I love Henford-on-Bagley. Seasons are currently set to 28 days and no rain or thunderstorms.

Now that the twins are children and the outdoor chores continue to grow (my bad), they can help do some before they go to school.

Nelson is taking care of the chickens and cleaning the coops.

While Newton cares for Mojo.